Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rumor Correction!

At the beginning of the year I revamped my blog. I also updated my profile to reflect my new position and wrote:
"I am in love with my creator, and in love
? with a girl."
Many of you are awkward around me and simply do not talk to me or have relationship with me and I feel that it is because of this statement and because of the girl.

The above statement was intended to be a tease not an announcement and I am sorry that it may have been taken as such. Rumors are terrible things because they bring division and hurt. And so are judgments for that matter.
I apologize for the statement and ask that if you are offended by me or feel awkward in your relationship with me because of this statement and subsequent rumor, to let it go. If there is another reason, please talk to me. I too need friends.

This is yet another lesson in 'Right Relationships' - Go to the person.

I am in a precarious position of redefining my identity with you all. You have known me as Erica's Husband and the video guy at church. Your relationship with me was based on this. I am no longer Erica's Husband and I am taking a hiatus from being the video guy. Therefore, I feel like you do not know me. I desire that you know me and have relationship with me.

2 more days!


Anonymous said...
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Brandi Wilson said...

Hey, I didn't know that you were in love, not in love, or decided that love doesn't exsist! I've had my head so far up my own butt that I haven't even thought to ask if you were in love. So, no judgments here. I've been too self centered to care.

Is it that girl from game night at Pam's? What's her name? Details please!

Francesca said...

Tim, I will be honest. I have felt weird. I am not sure I want to go into detail on your blog, so I'll just say I will extend every effort to be normal. After all, it really is none of my business. You are a grown man who hears God. I pray God's best for you.

Lydianna Bradford said...

Redefining identity is hard... Right now I feel like I wear many hats... Mommy, Kevin's Wife, Pastor/Pastor's Wife, Homemaker, Fox Valley Active Moms Organizer,Church Administrator, Student, Mentor, it goes on and on... sometimes it's hard to identify myself to be seems the more I pursue God the clearer I know who I am... the further I let myself slide away, the more I feel unsure and overtaxed.

Remember to pursue God first and I believe your path will be clear and others will see you for you.