Saturday, November 17, 2007


The other day, A-Laugh took took me to lunch at Buffet City. He had me laughing so hard as he impersonated DCR Enterprises on the Hunt of a Lifetime.

Anyway...this was in my cookie.

in bed!..............with a monkey!

What tag do you put on the end of your fortune?


Lydianna Bradford said...

Buffet City! I loved that place until one day when I was eating my honey chicken and suddenly I bit into a HARD piece of plastic! We tried to go back once after that, but it was never the same. After that it was back to China Star for me.

Lydianna calls the Chinese buffet we go to here, "Old Chinese." I think because it was the first (and her favorite) Chinese restaurant we went to here. The food is okay, but what she really loves is the grapes and ice cream.

Btw, I need your email to invite you to my (and also Kevin's) blog..that is if you want to be able to read it

Tim said...

Brandi Wilson said...

In Bed.

It never gets old. Honeycutt told us that one.