Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hot Off The Press!

Before I begin, I want to bring your attention to the Top Right Box called Topics. This is a handy search tool to find blog entries that have a VIDEO. Right now there are 4.
I have started uploading videos, especially KLF related pieces, to my blog as it is an incredible marketing tool and it's free. I am still putting them on Youtube, keyword: kingdom life fellowship. On Youtube, our church has received 4,779 views. This means that people who don't attend KLF are viewing these videos. Please share with friends.

Anyway, to the blog:
It's that time of year again. The temperatures are shifting to the 80's rather than the 90's. Tree leaves have turned to hues of brown and orange and are falling to the ground. Pecan trees are loaded and ready for harvest, and Erica is on the campaign trail generating and finalizing support for the 2nd annual 'City Of Clyde' Hallelujah Night2007.
Here is the promo. Enjoy!

also, here is this weeks bulletin.


Brandi Wilson said...

I was glad to finally see you in one of the videos. :)

Anonymous said...

that promo was AWESOME! the music lined up perfectly with what was happening! great job.

Cherryberry said...

Hey, Tim, Did you send out an email changing your address to ________@yahoo.com? Just checking.
Also, I heard from a fiend who use to go to our church and she has moved away, she was asking about our church website and wondered if anything new was in the makings.

Awsome new vids