Woooo! time flies when your busy like crazy! But, don't get me wrong, all you busy little business bees and worker ants know exactly what I'm talking about.
To update a bit. Things are excellent here. Business is getting into gear as far as "taking off", pretty much at an expected pace. We've now shot
Elegante, The Beehive, Copper Creek,
Primetime, The Grace, The Paramount, Clark Gardens, The Zoo, Business Expo, Western Heritage, Vintage house, Cypress Street Station, and a couple of houses. (NOT ALL PAID FOR THOUGH!)
We've also been attending Chamber meetings, and business gatherings to do a bit of light networking. Getting a steady pace seems to be the hardest part, with the client's lack of computer knowledge a close second.
It's amazing that there are still so many uneducated computer users out there. I would have figured that with almost every element in our consumer world wrapped almost entirely around computers; from major technology, down to office applications, to the mundane, run of mill daily task (You can't even dry your hands in a bathroom now of days without a computer winking out at you from a wall mount,...waiting to stiff you on the
towel usage as you feverishly swipe soaked hands back and forth back and forth) that we'd all be able to
at least double click a mouse!
So I am now on a mission to find some sort of quiz or evaluation for all of you to test your Computer
savvabilities (yes I made up that word...and yes it should be in the dictionary:)
Be right back!